It's a very hard position to keep filled. Turnover's a real problem. For every drug lord or pedophile to slaughter (the fun part) there's three dozen kindly grandma's to, um, 'process' as well. So recruitment efforts now extend to the still-living. It’s a very demanding job requiring a unique combination of skills. But if you’re really interested and think you can hack it (there is quite a lot of hacking involved, actually) you can take this suitability test before formally applying. Consider each question and pick the answer that best describes you, circle (or jot down on a pad) the number for each answer then add them all up and check your score.
A. How good are you with a blade?
1. Not very; I cut myself whilst shaving, buttering toast, opening mail…
2. Somewhat; I can cut the head off broccoli, a fish, an infidel... whatever you need.
3. Very; I've lots of time to practice with my (renaissance fair) sword since I don’t have a girlfriend.
4. Awesome; I was a professional ninja for Halliburton until my job got outsourced to India .
B. Have you ever struck another person with intent to harm?
1. No, of course not! I don’t like these questions. Where’s the link to Icanhascheezeburger?
2. Nightly; shooting, stabbing, tire-ironing, running over hookers -GrandTheftAuto counts, right?
3. Only children. I am a nanny.
4. Only minorities. I am a policeman.
C. How empathetic are you?
1. Totally; I feel your pain like Bill Clinton feels intern boobies. -With a blinding intensity.
2. Mostly; almost as deeply as a thoughtful Latina , but less than a Supreme Court justice.
3. Somewhat; I tried to make a living as a dominatrix, but can only stand it part time now.
4. Not at all; after 10 years at the IRS I did prisoner relations at Abu Ghraib until it closed.
D. How resistant to begging or bribing are you?
1. Mmmm… depends on how many inputs are being offered. 3 is best.
2. Somewhat; but you’d better have a really good story and look good on your knees.
3. Not very; you’d have to be on the verge of curing cancer before I’d let you off the hook.
4. I want to kill you just for asking. Where’s my sword?
E. How good are you at working alone?
1. Not at all. I was hoping it would be a death-squad/wiki-group type gig.
2. Somewhat; sometimes I won’t share my tractor in Farmville unless I'm really shit-faced.
3. Very; I am a liberal intellectual and gay sculptor in central Alabama . Thank God for Facebook.
4. Completely; I play World of Warcraft all night, when not masturbating. Sometimes when.
Check Your Score
<11 So little backbone it’s a wonder you can
stand. Go get your Snuggie and carton
of Mallomars and go watch Glee. You
know you want to.
11-15 You have the heart but not the ability
-yet. If you really want a shot at this
position later on, go get a job in cor-
rections (Texas or North Korea only)
and work your way up to noose-
16-20 Not quite 'Angel of Death' material,
but there’s always the less demanding
position of 'Angel of Wishing for Death'.
Somebody’s got to bring the hemorr-
hoids and menstrual cramps.
21+ Ooh. The dark side is strong in this
one… Whenever you're ready,
Mr Cheney.
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